Just recently my brother found me an E36 M3 bumper on craigslist.org. It was in great condition, a replica from a reputable company and ready for paint and installation. This would go perfect with the powered M3 mirrors and "twisty" side skirts that I had recently purchased from Euro-Spec in California. If I had this bumper, the skirts, the mirrors, a tint, and a motorsport flag in black my car would look seriously nice. Now all I was in need of was the finely tuned exhaust and to place my extra set of HID's in the fog lights. Everything was going according to plan. The only problem... it was in Everett, Washington. Being in Utah has it's perks, a college education, the snow, and friendly atmosphere, but it also has it's downsides; the snow, and slow craigslist following. I contacted the seller and we settled on an agreeable price. My friend, who attends a community college about five minutes away, was to pick the bumper up. The plan did not work as I had anticipated this Tuesday, because my friend was concerned that the bumper would fly out of the back of his truck on the highway. So I called and reconfirmed the deal and said that it was on for Saturday. Just this morning my brother was searching around craigslist again and found a new listing from the same seller asking for more money??
What's the deal? I thought we had an agreement? There's craigslist for you. Now I am working on getting it all straightened out.
***Update***The guy burned me. I guess I'll wait for another one to come along. But, my wife was pretty upset at the guy too. This made me feel a lot better, she is starting to catch the bimmer fever too.